After many days stuck at 6 lbs 14 oz, Garrett has finally hit the 7 lbs mark! We put him in his "My Little Pumpkin" Outfit to start the day. In the afternoon our second big event occurred. I opened Garrett's diaper to change him and his umbilical cord stump had fallen off. After that we changed him into his first actual costume, Garrett the little Duck. Andrea set him down in the Pack 'N Play for a few minutes, but when she heard him cry she ran over to see that he had flipped himself over onto his stomach. We've heard this behavior usually happens between 3 and 6 months, so this may be a total fluke. He's been rolling on his side to get close to either parent at night, so this may have been the next step. Andrea would have taken a picture, but he was having trouble because his pacifier was in the way of his breathing (which is why Garrett was crying), so she moved him immediately.
We went for a family walk in the late afternoon, and on our return we stopped to Trick or Treat at the Dolce's, next door. They invited us over for a visit and Patty's daughter, Olivia, got a chance to hold Garrett. After returning home, we had our first ever Trick or Treaters in six years living here. It was Rachel and Betsy Kottkamp, two of my cousins, with their mom, Bev. They came to see Garrett in costume, and because they had heard we had the good candy! In fact, they even brought their friends by later, which was good because those are the only candies we gave out all night after buying a big package! After such a full day Andrea and Garrett fell asleep early and it lasted a few hours before the night feedings started.
Another fun event today was introducing Garrett to his Mobile. He loves to look at the animals and listen to the music. We attached it to the side of his Pack 'N Play and he starred at it intently.