Post-brunch we finished packing up and headed to La Guardia Airport. Garrett got a real kick out of the bridges in the daylight. Despite being tired, Garrett was very chipper at the airport and on the flight to Atlanta. The one hour layover was not long enough to resolve the Torts book debacle, but I have my fingers crossed for a swift return. We ate and exercised and ran onboard for the flight to California.
Because of headwinds, this cross-country flight to Ontario was the longest of the trip, but within 5 minutes of take-off Garrett had fallen asleep with his head on Andrea's lap. He slept for just over three hours while we watched the inflight movie and enjoyed his sleeping expressions. When he woke up, he was in excellent spirits and had a snack before the plane landed in Ontario.
Garrett is so excited to be home and see all of his toys. He has insisted on taking out all of his Little People, but who can blame him after being reduced to a few toys all week. Andrea and I are tired because we are adjusted (her fully, me partially) to New York time, and Garrett was the only one wise enough to sleep on the plane.
Overall it was a very fun trip, and a great reward for a semester of law school and a Spring Dance Concert completed. Tomorrow I figure out how to do my reading without a Torts book and Andrea gets back into teaching.