Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Garrett and the Older Woman

This morning, after breakfast and getting ready, Garrett took another nap. At first he did not want to lay by himself, but eventually he fell asleep in the bassinet to the sound of the hair dryer. Andrea is doing a really good job of making him comfortable during the day so he can get used to napping.

Today at lunch was Garrett's first play date. The playmate was Jeanne Poirier, 7 1/2 month old daughter of Marilee and Charlie, who both used to work at ECT with me. Marilee had offered to loan us her Maya Wrap sling after reading what a terrible time we had trying to use the Infantino sling on Andrea. So we made an event of it, meeting for lunch at Memorial Park in Claremont. Jeanne and Garrett were very curious about each other even though they are too young to really play together. We ate lunch and swapped stories about babies. It was a lot of fun!

After lunch Garrett went to his first Pilates session with Andrea. First he slept through Andrea's session in his car seat. Then Andrea taught a session while holding him in her arms. Afterwards, Vicky's daughter, MacKenzie, held Garrett and played with him while he was bounced.

After Pilates, Andrea and Garrett ran errands, including a pickup at the dreaded Walgreens. Apparently he did cry while waiting inside, but it was a quick trip. Then they stopped at Trader Joes to get food.

We had made a plan yesterday for our neighbors, Patti and Cy, to come over for cheese tonight. We had a wonderful time, but our appetizer turned into a full blown meal after Cy made meatballs and buffalo wings. It was good that he did though, because we enjoyed each others company until it was time for everyone to go to bed. I am the last one awake in our house, finishing up this post, then I'll do some quick cleanup and off to bed.

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