On saturday morning we all snuggled together and then went downstairs to play with "Hama". That is what Garrett calls the bird. After breakfast, we packed up the car and drive down to Orange County. GarreBear (as we call him) and Duncan sat nestled in their car seats and watched Garrett's favorite movie, "Cars". We arrived in Fountain Valley at the classic car show and meet up with Aunt "Dasu" and Uncle "Snuffy". Duncan and Garrett strolled around as we walked through the aisles of well manicured cars. Our favorites were the old fashioned firetruck and police car.
We played in the park - climbing up the jungle gym and sliding down the slide as well as swinging on the swing set. Then, Garrett and Duncan took a nap as we drove farther south to have lunch at Taco Mesa. Aunt "Dasu" treated us to "fro-yo". We went to "Dasu" & "Snuffy's" house to play hockey and introduce Duncan to Daisy, their dalmatian. We went down to the barn to ride the horses - "heheheheeeeee" Garrett says imitating a neigh. Duncan rode "Mai" - short for Mairaush. Garrett fed "Bebe" - short for Briget Bardot. We also had fun chasing after the bunnies and watching the tractors! As we were leaving, we said "Ba-bye" to all of the ants. "Dasu" let us play in her off-roading jeep. Garrett loves to inspect the tires, which are taller than he is!
We drove down the street to "Mormor" and "Papa's" house to go swimming. After lots of splashing and a trip around backyard in the wagon, we took a bath and had dinner. We introduced Duncan to Bella, their italian greyhound, who loves to give kisses. After dinner, Duncan and Garrett played chess and played with the artwork. We love to play with the little glass panda bears and ladybugs. Our favorite was to sit on the statues - "Mormor" says its okay. In fact, it was her idea! Before bed, we introduced Duncan to "Papa's" bear collection. We felt right at home with Papui and the other teddy bears, so he spent the night snuggled with them. "Papa" was ready to adopt Duncan forever, but Garrett firmly told him "No, mine".
On Sunday, we played the piano as a morning wake-up call to the house. We also played with Garrett's "Choo-choo" and relaxed with "Mormor" and "Papa". After breakfast, Garrett took a nap with Duncan and we packed up the car. We drove home to meet "Dasu", "Snuffy", "Daci" and "Nat". We went to "Dada's" martial arts studio and played in the game room (which is filled with trucks) while Sensei taught "Mama", "Dasu", "Daci" and "Nat" self-defense techniques. Garrett took another nap while we drove to Victoria Gardens. We all went out to dinner. Duncan liked that we got to grill our own food at the restaurant. After a delicious Japanese meal, we went to Pink Berry for shaved ice and fresh fruit. It was refreshing! Once we arrived home, we said "Ba-bye" to "Hama". "Dasu" was taking him to his new home. After everyone left, Duncan and Garrett got ready for bed and and we read a few stories. "Ny-nyte!"
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Super cute picture!
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