Saturday, February 25, 2006

Pop Quiz

This morning before we got out of bed, we had Garrett lying in between Garrett and I. Andrea said to him, "do you know the Daddy?" and he turned and looked at me. Then she said, "which one is the Momma?", and he turned back to her. Next she asked, "which one is Katie?", and he turned farther and pointed into the bed, like he was trying to point downstairs. Finally, she asked, "which one is Garrett?", and he pulled his arms in! I couldn't believe that he would be able to signal all four of us. We asked him about each parent a few more times to see if he could duplicate and he did keep turning to each of us on cue. However, on about the fourth tie he started to get antsy, as if to say he'd gotten tired of the game.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Tasty Fingers

Today was the first day that Garrett found two fingers to suck on in order to pacify himself. When I got home from Martial Arts, he was in his swing, with his two fingers in hos mouth and he was totally asleep. He was so beautiful, but it was impossible to capture how cute it was in a picture. It's one of those joys you get to experience as the parent that you cannot share, but trust me that it was adorable.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Worker Bee

Garrett came to work tonight. Andrea was going to a class and a meeting, preparing for the course she'll be teaching at Citrus next fall, and I was still at work trying to catchup on emails, so Andrea dropped him off to me at work just before 5.

A few people came by to see him after hearing some cooing. At first I was rocking the stroller with one hand and writing emails with the other, but I wasn't doing either very well, so I took back my hand to finish typing. Garrett started talking and I figured I would have to finish the rest from home, but after a minute, he quieted down and fell asleep.

I ended up staying at work for another hour while he slept, which let me finish a list of things I'd been meaning to take care of. The latest projection is that I'll be spending a week in China in mid to late March, doing training and troubleshooting. The whole thing depends on a test they will be running at the site next week. If it goes well, we'll set a date and make arrangements.

After finishing at work, we stopped at Target for diapers, then headed home and got their just before Andrea. Garrett woke up a few times, but kept going back to sleep. Once we got home he was wide awake and pretty full of energy all nght. For dinner we made ginger-lime chicken from a recipe Danielle provided.

Garrett and I played until bedtime. He wore me out, so I put him in his big swing and he jabbered for several minutes before falling asleep. I went to bed before Andrea, but she told me that Garrett only woke up slightly while getting ready for bed and slept in his bassinet until 5am.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Rolley Poley

When I got home from Martial Arts tonight, Andrea asked if I was ready for a surprise. She laid Garrett down on his tummy and he rolled his head around for a few seconds before lifting it up. Next he started looking over his shoulder, as if there was a toy directly above him that he wanted to see. He paused on his side as if preparing for the big finish, then suddenly rolled onto his back!

He's been scootching and rolling around for a while, but tonight he made his first roll. It happened while I was gone; Andrea actually missed his first roll too. She looked away for a couple seconds and suddenly he was on his back! She videoed him twice after that before I got home, so he did it four times tonight.