Tuesday, August 30, 2005

It's Raining Presents

Andrea's mom threw a baby shower on Saturday and people were SO incredibly generous. I couldn't believe how many gifts baby received. We are officially over the limit of blankets that any baby can use! I plan on posting pictures from the shower soon, but thank you to everyone who came to the shower for making it wonderful. And thank you for the gifts, you really spoiled Andrea and me (and Baby). Also a huge thank you to Mariann for hosting such a lovely event.

Update: Shower Pictures

Today's appointment with the Obstitrician went well. We scheduled it for Tuesday so we could meet one of the other doctors in the office, in case they end up delivering baby. Ultimately we ended up waiting a really long time to have a short "Hello, how are you, goodbye...", but if she ends up being the delivery doctor, we probably will be glad we did. However, we aren't going to schedule another appointment to meet the third doctor. It just isn't worth 2 hours for an appointment, when scheduling for a later time gets us in and out in 40 minutes.

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