Sunday, October 23, 2005

Busy Day for our Star

Garrett had a lot of visitors today! First his Grandma Marilyn and Aunt Betsy came to the house and brought lunch. Marilyn showed us pictures and gifts from the Grandma's Shower that the nurses at Head Start threw for her.

After lunch Aunt Bev brought Rachel and Betsy, Garrett's cousins to meet him. They both held him and commented on how cute he is. He was very alert and moving his eyes between them. You can really see him absorbing the world around him.

Garrett & Katie on a Family Walk
After they had left we tried our family walk for the second time, not waiting until dusk this time. Despite a chilly wind, we had a very nice walk around our neighborhood and I was able to capture Katie walking and Garrett riding in the stroller in a single picture.

This evening Andrea's parents stopped at our house for dinner on their way back from the desert. They brought the groceries and prepared the meal. Also Mormor (Swedish for Maternal Grandmother) brought a suitcase-full of gifts, mostly clothing. I think Garrett will be able to wear a different outfit every day until his second birthday at this rate.

Earlier in the day, Danielle called to ask if Garrett needed any more 5 - 7 lb clothes, the size he is wearing now. Garrett is lucky to have so many people who care about him who are buying him these presents, but it's amazing how much clothing he owns. I think the fact that Garrett's sex was unknown until birth only added to this phenomenon. People bought gender neutral gifts for our showers and now they want to buy "boy stuff", even though they have already given gifts.

It's been a very busy day, and I am impressed that Garrett handled it without getting fussy. He did nap on our walk, which probably explains why he is now wide awake when it's time to sleep. Pictures will be added at a later time. Right now I have to get some sleep so I am rested for our one year wedding anniversary tomorrow.

Update: Pictures were added on Monday, October 24th

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