Monday, October 17, 2005

Getting used to the world

Today has been one of transition, no visitors and nurses, just the four of us (Katie is the fourth if you were wondering) at home. Garrett is eating about every hour and at times the cycle of eat, burp, try the other breast, burp, change diaper, seems to finish just in time to eat again, but it's been a good day.

Garrett had his first bath at home and it almost included him kicking the water basin into the sink, but his mommy is too quick. We got some cute pictures of him bathing.

It's amazing how enormous the newborn baby clothes are on Garrett. We did not have too many because it seemed that he would grow out of them too quickly yo be worth having, but even the 5 to 8 lb clothes have extra room. We received some additional newborn stuff from people who couldn't wait to buy for a boy once they knew the sex, so once they get washed we'll have plenty of options. Aunt Danielle even brought her gifts washed so he could wear them immediately! Now our job is to get him to grow so he fills out the Newborn size. His weight today is 6 lbs 8 oz, up from a low of 6 lbs 7 oz.

It's amazing how tiny Garrett is!

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