Thursday, October 27, 2005

Right Time, Wrong Zone

Our little Garrett still likes to be awake in the middle of the night. Last night I didn't fight it, but took him downstairs and watched some TV so Andrea could sleep. As long as I am holding him, he seems content to sleep in my arms, but when I snuck back upstairs he almost immediately awoke and started crying (so much for Andrea sleeping).

Since I was awake during the night, Andrea let me sleep in this morning. In the end I think I got more sleep than she did, so much for my brilliant plan. However, we each got some one-on-one time with Garrett, which was nice for both of us.

We've been trying to figure out how to wake him up during the day to help him change his schedule, and he does spend some day time awake and very alert. But when he decides to take a nap, he is sound asleep.

However, I think Andrea's client figured out the mystery. She suggested that our little Garrett might be on a different time zone. Our little Rosenheim boy is on German time!

Garrett really likes the sound of our spot remover, we call it a "Zoom Zoom". Every time we turn it on, his eyes open really big and he seems to be listening intently. We think he likes the sound of it, maybe it reminds him of the sounds of being in the womb.

This evening, on our way back from a family walk, we stopped by our neighbor's house. The Dolce's had only seen Garrett in passing, usually in his stroller and we were asking when they would like to come visit him, when it started to sprinkle. We brought Garrett inside so he wouldn't be in the rain and also so Patty and Cy could get to see him in some real lights. Patty's daughter, Olivia, was also there and we had a nice visit. We made plans to see Patty and Cy on Saturday, but I insisted Cy pose for a picture, although Patty wanted to wait until Saturday. Their pugs, Sophia and Darla, were very intersted in Garrett.

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