Friday, October 14, 2005

Garrett Michael's Birth Day!

Wow! It was an amazing day. Last night at 11:30pm Andrea's water broke. And within 6 hours Garrett Michael Cordova-Caddes was born. We got to the hospital about 12:30 and skipped evaluation, going directly into a room. After taking blood and attaching the fetal monitor, the time went into fast forward for me. Andrea's mom and sister, Danielle, arrived about half an hour after we got to the hospital, and they stayed with us throughout labor and delivery. I couldn't share all my thoughts in pages and pages of writing, but it was an amazing event. Andrea was so brave and wonderful. Garrett came so fast, and when he actually emerged I felt as if time froze. In an instant I realized that this tiny body was a person, and that this person was going to depend on Andrea and I to raise him. It was simply awe inspiring.

Not everything went according to plan. Dr Cropper was out of town, so Garrett was delivered by someone we had only met once, and briefly. The epidural that Andrea asked for at 4cm dialated, was brought by the anaesthesiologist when she was around 9 and ready to push, then it had an inclusion and did not work anyway. Our number one request was to have Garrett placed on Andrea's chest immediately after delivery, but instead he was taken to the nurse for what seemed like an eternity. Still, despite all those things, when you look at Garrett, it all fades to the background. I am so amazemed at how Andrea delivered our son.

The rest of the day was used for recuperation and visitors. Tom's mom, Aunt Betsy, and Aunt Bev came to meet Garrett. Later in the evening, Aunt Bev brought Tom's cousin Bill to the hospital.

This evening Garrett was circumsized by Dr Warren. Andrea and I felt that it was best to lump all the tramatic events into one day.

Now that all the visitors have left and it's just the three of us, I can relax and just watch him. He's such an beautiful baby and I feel so lucky to be his dad. I will never forget to the feeling I had when he was born. This happiness has no measure.

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